Thursday, August 25, 2011

Xenoblade First Impressions Part 2: I'm finally enjoying the game

When the game came out on Friday I took at home and played it for a while, being utterly confused and frightened. Now after playing it for several more hours I'm somewhat less confused. I got my ass kicked several times but learned something new each time about battling.

I won't go into the battle system too much but one really cool feature are these visions you get during battle of the immediate future where someone gets gravely injured and you get a chance to prevent it from happening all the while a special timer counts down. It feels really good to do this.

I love the way the characters talk during battle. The voice acting functions quite well and you get used to it. I think it's funny to imagine them all say things in cockney rhyming slang (they don't for the record!) and the monster or boss would be thinking to itself "wh-what the hell are these guys saying...".

Speaking of bosses I just beat a mechanical one with big tentacles. It took me a looot of trial and error...

The big red sword Monado is featured in a big way in the story and the characters talk about it a lot. Now I know why the classic controller pro released with it was red! Xenoblade is still a better sounding title though.

The game more than delivers on the promise the trailers showed. It really is "Super Landscape Running Adventure" with its vast landscapes and high cliffs into big lakes of water. Gaur Plains is a particular standout moment so far!

There are a lot of other deep stat affecting system thingies that I've yet to learn more about. I've a big need for those tutorials. They're not intrusive in a bad way though which is cool.

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