Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Agetec does some cool stuff on eShop

Every now and again a game will come out by these guys; games that would have the feel of something that's done really cheaply but something that's perfectly suitable. I love things that are done conservatively and do the job without any messing around. (an example of this would be Bill & Ted's Excellent GB Adventure)

One of their latest is Rabi Laby 2. One of my favourites is Magical Whip, a game that's a bit like a cross between Bubble Bobble and Tumblepop and you know straight away by looking at it that it's sensibly done, they didn't do anything too fancy, it's likeable enough and cheap to buy. They've even done Bloody Vampire; a game that's been described as a Metroidvania.

So next time you're on the eShop, do a search for Agetec and check out their stuff.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

3 games I want for Wii U now...

Now that Super Luigi and Pikmin 3 are out, I want them as well as Super Mario U. I'd love a bundle deal though (with game on disc). I'm not that pushed at all about Nintendoland.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Super Luigi seems to be selling at the price at which brand new Wii games used to sell

Ah memories! I don't know if I like the idea of paying 60 Euro for Wii U games. Wii was great and often sold games at nearly 20 Euro cheaper than that. It's kind of like the GameCube days where new games cost 60 Euro as well. The increase in price is because of this "HD" bullshit. I hate it.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Looking at some Smurfs 2 gameplay videos

Like I imagined, it's looking like a run of the mill platformer that's not very remarkable but could still be kinda fun. Collecting things, hopping and bopping on enemies; ok stuff. I still like the fact that it's appearing on Wii after everyone declared prematurely that the console was dead.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Let's be honest: The 3DS' speakers are shit — USE HEADPHONES

I'm playing Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. and I can't enjoy Shimomura's lovely soundtrack properly because the 3DS' speakers sound tinny. Luckily it's perfect with headphones.

This is a bit of a problem with the handheld though. I suspect some 3DS games are deliberately quieter so that they don't go all tinny.

If you want to experience the worst of tinniness, try that Mirror of Fate game. It adds to the awfulness.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I still don't know if Street Gangs on 3DS VC is at the proper speed

Sorry, I know it's out today.  The trailer for the game seems to play music at a good speed but I don't know if I can take that as an indication. I don't know the game very well and there could be something somewhere I'm missing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sad Hoshi no Densetsu

Game Grumps invented this amazing tragicomic character in the run of this episode, Sad Hoshi. So lovable, so funny and then... so darkly funny and all round laugh out loud fun. It all started with Ross being sad!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Can't catch tarantula and scorpion in New Leaf... urgh

Hunted for about 2 hours this evening I came across 2 scorpions but they ran off a cliff and I got bitten by the tarantula. I spent the rest of the time trying to find another of either. How do I make them appear more often?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chillaxing with Animal Crossing...

Fishing in Animal Crossing while having a livestream playing of the Wiiviewr July event on is really cool :)

It also works great for the latest episode of Steam Train where Danny and Ross are just making burgers (Space Quest IV part 9).

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Game Grumps non-stop laughter in Mickey Mousecapade vid!

Oh man, not once did they stop laughing! Arin was doing impressions of bad AVGN rip-offs and making loads of jokes about feces. It's amazing and I laughed my head off too! Check it out!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Shantae's available in Ireland now too!

Shantae and EarthBound released on the same day?! Yesterday was a good day! Remember to check this out on GBC 3DS VC! Go on!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Suddenly, EarthBound on Virtual Console becomes available in Ireland for 10 Euro!

There was a mini Nintendo Direct TODAY where Shibata announced TODAY that EarthBound was to be released TODAY. All of a sudden! Just like that!

So now we can finally officially play EarthBound. Before, I had to play it using stuttery emulators but not any more!

Here's the trailer for it:

My favourite part is where it boldly declares "THE RPG MASTERPIECE — IN EUROPE FOR THE FIRST TIME!"
Heck yeah! Take that, more-widely-revered-SNES-RPGs!

(Seriously though, we've been waiting a long long time for this)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf multiplayer is kind of fun

Takes long to load though. Then again that is because I've been playing with people from different countries. It'd be nice to get a local network of 3DS' going to play a nice ol' session of the game :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The NES sure had a lot of gameshow games... Who knew?

Yet us Wii owners were constantly being told by idiots that our library was just stuff like gameshow games. Harassment wasn't like this in the NES era was it? I only notice now from watching Game Grumps play these old games.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

GameStop: new full price game = 2 of your full price games + 10 Euro

I'm just wondering who would go for a deal like this. I can't think of anyone, other than someone so unbelievably desperate to get rid of their games

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Very sweet Game Grumps Animated tribute to John (last hurrah)

Features other funny stuff but the last bit is just so lovely and sweet. I love the big eyed character design too. Really love it!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros out today in Ireland; puzzle swap

The game is out here today! Before the rest of the world too so go out and get it if you like the series. There's also a puzzle swap puzzle based on the game that came through SpotPass recently so check that out too.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Game Grumps are doing Zelda 1

Yay! As they're playing they sound like kids discovering it for the first time. T'is a wonderful game and it's always great to watch someone experience it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Exploring Nintendo's Dream Suite towns in Animal Crossing New Leaf

I finally gave the Dream Suite a go after building it a short while back. What drove me to do this was Isabelle tweeting about the official Nintendo dream towns and giving out codes for them.

Of course there are different Twitter accounts for the different regions and each region has a different dream town, which can all be accessed with any regional version of the game:
The American dream town code is 5700–2038–6151
The European dream town code is 7900-2106-3477
The Japanese dream town code is 0000-0100-0017

Now, I've been wondering how this actually works and now that I've tried them all, it seems to me that when you create a dream town it gets uploaded to a server that Nintendo runs and it's then made available for other players to check out and explore.

This of course means that it's service oriented and when this generation of games passes we won't be able to use the Dream Suite any more, so enjoy while the game's hot!

By the way, I got a Reggie design from Wendell in the American town and a Tingle design from the Japanese town. Have a look for yourself!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Watching HCBailly play Zelda 2

Longtime favourite of mine HCBailly is now playing through the tough as nails Zelda 2.

I'm mostly just watching stuff these days. It's far too hot outside to do much of anything. It's 26 degrees celsius but we're just not used to heat in this country.

Anyway HC is doing pretty well. I just finished episode 6 and he hasn't even lost a life yet.

He's also gonna do a Chrono Trigger DS feature soon. Wonderful game and it's the best version there is. I ought to go back and play some of the New Game+ stuff.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Watching some old JonTrons, really warming to Danny

Game Grumps is still really strong and Danny is really funny; himself and Arin are spending almost the entirety of Jackal and Mega Man 2 laughing their heads off.

Meanwhile I'm going back to watch Jon's old stuff. Man, I love his JonTron stuff and I've missed the robot Jacques so much.

I'm also trying to hunt down images and clips of Danny's thumbs; it's the popular topic of many a YouTube comment right now.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Watching some ChuckieDregs, up to episode 6

I was doing some catch up on the episodes of this show I missed. I still like it well enough and the MechaGamezilla segments are really outstanding.

Just thinking if I were to do game reviews, I wonder what the best approach would be? I don't really do reviews.

Friday, July 5, 2013

So.... Project X Zone

This newly released 3DS title is famous for having 2 demo releases on the eShop. I like Ulala but fighting games aren't really my thing. Might give the demo a try.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Take notes Nintendo! Crystal Warriors for Game Gear VC has 2 player option

Not sure what this would do for this kind of game but it's something I'd really like Nintendo to do for their Game Boy catalogue of VC games.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dream Team Bros. vs 3DS' 3D effect

One thing I've noticed about the 3DS's 3D effect is that when you turn it on its side you don't see the 3D effect at all anymore. You might still see blurriness but no 3D effect.

I wonder how this'll affect Dream Team Bros. since you play it with the 3DS on its side sometimes? (Yeah I know, it won't affect anything of my enjoyment since I don't like the 3DS' 3D effect anyway.)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Balloon Fight got re-released on Wii U VC in full 60 Hz!!

Excellent news! It was the first VC game for Wii U and caused a justified backlash when it was only in 50 Hz.

Really glad that they went back and changed it to the proper speed. Well done Nintendo, and don't ever let it happen again.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Angry Video Game Nerd episode 112: Bill & Ted's Excellent NES Adventure

I spent the whole video waiting for him to mention the Bill & Ted Game Boy game, which truly is excellent*air guitar solo*. I was waiting for him to start playing it and be so surprised that it was so good that some explosion would happen due to some cosmic imbalance with LJN rainbows shooting everywhere.