Saturday, November 30, 2013

Charlie Brooker: How Videogames Changed the World on Channel 4 right now

Have a look at this! So far all I see is Charlie Brooker and a bunch of talking heads saying things we might take for granted but it'll surely be more satisfying on the games front than the Late Late Toy Show was last night.

...Holy shit I know Robert Florence lost weight but just look at him! He's a completely different man.

EDIT: Watching with subtitles and they're spelling "computer programme" instead of "computer program". I kind of like this.

EDIT: The show's been uploaded here officially:

Horray for simultaneous distribution!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Late Late Toy Show 2013

I got a brief glimpse of a Mario Pez dispenser. Oh well...

Ryan briefly mentioned the console wars being in full force between the Playstation 4 and the Xbox before featuring two girls with smart tablets. Oh well...

They showed all the new home consoles. However, just like last year they just featured them as some kind of a gadget. The PS4 had some kind of robot camera thing, the Wii U had Disney Infinity (in your face Skylanders I suppose) and then it was the Xbox with soccer and then some soccer celebrity appeared. Oh well...

Now for the highlight of the evening!— the ads came on and there was one for Super Mario 3D World! The game came out today so hey, everybody wins!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

3DS special Space Harrier and Super Hang On are on eShop now

Hideki Kamiya's favourite. I had a look at these two in the eShop. There weren't any videos, only screenshots where I could see the two games in 3D. Not quite sure about trying them out. They have the Sega Mega Drive logo and everything. Might research them first.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Link Between Worlds has text that's easy to read!

Skyward Sword and Wind Waker 3D had really horrible text presentation. The reddish orange text on the keywords just wasn't legible most of the time and the rest of the text didn't display properly when shown against certain backgrounds. This was particularly appalling in Skyward Sword.

Link Between Worlds has lovely text presentation of a good readable size AND you can press A to fill the box quickly while it's scrolling.

Nice to see Nintendo back on form with this! :)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Now the Wii U is auto downloading Karaoke

Here I was thinking Wii Sports Club was being cheeky.

Folks, be careful about what your Wii U does on the Internet. It could be inappropriate to your interests.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Exploring Hyrule with rented items

Since it's Winter here in Ireland I have to take frequent breaks from playing Link Between Worlds because my hands get too cold to play—so let's blog!

The rental system is beautiful. I got the hookshot, bombs, hammer and other things that enable me to explore the big wide world of Hyrule with ease(apart from the bad guys). Like other Zelda games it's so much fun to find and navigate caves and mazes for treasure. There's a damn fun chicken avoiding sub-game as well.

I've yet to fully judge the impact this has on the plot — I haven't progressed since I started renting — but my belief is that enabling adventure without having to earn it through exposition should be encouraged as much as possible.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Aonuma's Mii coming through SpotPass lately (playing Link Between Worlds)

Be sure to connect online to get Aonuma's Mii again through SpotPass. The last time he was available was when E3 was on. We got nearly the entire company that week!.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

So far, A Link Between Worlds is even better than A Link to the Past!

Bold thing of me to say but I'm enjoying it so much! The animation is so smooth and the switch to a painting mechanic is such a cool new feature that I'm willing to believe that the rest of the game will top Zelda 3!

I must note that although Zelda 3 is the favourite of many, it isn't my favourite Zelda(though I do love it to bits).

Friday, November 22, 2013

Link Between Worlds is out today!

Yay! GameStop is selling it for 50 Euro but shop around if you have the time.

Like 3D World, this game is getting some good review scores! That game comes out here next week.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Luminaries Of The Legendary Line? The Seeds Of Salvation? Which one of them means "Dragon Quest VII in Europe for 3DS"?

Urghhh.... more like Trademark Teases Of The Troublesome! I'd love Dragon Quest VII for the 3DS to come out here. I guarantee I'd buy it since I bought all the other numbered DQ games that came out here.

While we're talking about this I'd also like:

-Rocket Slime 3D for Europe
-Final Fantasy Adventure/Mystic Quest (GB VC)
-Dragon Quest I-III (GBC VC)
-A proper Dragon Quest story for Wii U (XI)

Ok maybe one of them is a bit of a big thing to ask but come oooonnnnn Square-Enix!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 115: AVGN Games!

The Nerd pays a loving tribute — in his traditional style — to the AVGN fan games made over the years and it's a wonderful episode! It promotes the new game that's available, it is genuinely appreciative of the fan tributes (in case you were worried!) and made me interested in them. It also has a very unexpected and classy cameo! Go watch it!

Now I'm gonna go check out the newly created r/TheCinemassacre.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Super Mario 3D World is getting loads of high review scores

Nines and tens out of ten all over the place! If you see anything lower than that, bury it in your kitty litter box.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wow, Ross can actually focus

He's on fire in the Skyrim playthrough. I'm pretty sure he's wearing the conductor's hat this time.

Actually I know Ross can focus — it's just that he's normally a cheeky SCAMP.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wii Sports Club downloads itself onto your Wii U

How rude! What if I have zero interest in the game huh?

Oh well, I guess I can see what it's like and then get rid of it later.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Game Grumps know their constellations!

Nice cosy moment in the Game Grumps Wind Waker series where Arin and Dan identified Orion and Ursa Major in the game's night sky—before going on to talk about... something else. They are among the truly cultured :P

It's a good skill to have when you're going on dates. You can go right up close to your date—like, cheek to cheek—and point out a couple of constellations in the night sky.

The other skill is good to have too when you have a gf.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Game Grumps and co. (Steam Train) playing Fortune/Boom Street

I was really happy when I saw that they were playing this! I also felt really bad for Ross when he got the bum deal in everything. It's true about him being a scamp though! Just messing around and everything and not pressing 2...

Suzy is kicking all their asses...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Playable Rosalina confirmed for Mario 3D World!

She has a little swishy move like the spin Mario has in the Galaxy games.

It was a pretty nice Nintendo Direct today! We were given a good bunch of info about Mario 3D World.

Again some people may call them spoilers but I see them as selling points. There are always spoiler warnings like we were given—plus, it's better than some ignorant turd calling it a rehash.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

There's a steal the crown thingy in Mario 3D World

How would this work for Peach who's already wearing a crown?

I wonder if it'll be like "Amazing Frog?" on Game Grumps where they chased each other for the crown.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Cool adventure-y ad for Link Between Worlds

Ahhhh I really like this ad. Exciting and adventure-y and someone even said in a comment section somewhere that it was practically "Raiders Of The Lost Link".

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Amazing Frog? seems fun

Watching the Game Grumps play Amazing Frog? today. It's like one big silly toy which gets loads of laughs. I know for a fact that there are many people who couldn't be bothered with conventional video game rules or in-game economics etc. so something like this would be right up their alley.

In a way it has the same spirit and sensibilities as a good Flash game—or Flash toy as I've seen many of those where you just enjoy the interactive-y animated-y simulations.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Game Grumps completed Mario 3 in 29 episodes

Ahh I'm gonna miss the guys playing Mario 3... Generally I find that most waking moments when not playing Mario 3 are spent in longing for Mario 3...

Another great playthrough and I was kind of going nuts when they were in the last Boom Boom castle and they couldn't find the door.

Anyway I could always depend on this playthrough whenever they were doing something crap on Steam Train. (egad, Binding Of Isaac and There's No Time To Explain are ugly ugly fad games)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Luigi version of the arcade Mario Bros. found in Super Mario 3D World!

This is pretty damn cool! It's like when we got the original Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong 64! Nintendo are doing a good bit to ensure this game will be worth every penny!

By the way, I saw this story on GoNintendo and the comment section was full of spoiler complaints. This is not a spoiler! Maybe it'll spoil the mood of Nintendo's competitors this Christmas but not for normal people! This is actually a really nice bonus selling point!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mario 3D World has playable Captain Toad puzzles

I always thought he was a cool character from the Galaxy games, supporting Mario and Luigi with those little stations and camps. Love that type of character; Skyward Sword had the Goron explorer guy as well.

Anyway there are these little puzzle oriented cubic platform stages where you collect stars in Mario 3D World and they seem like a nice little bonus.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yes! Super Mario 3D World doesn't have DLC! Let's celebrate!

This needs to be celebrated as much as possible! DLC destroys the value of games and it's an epidemic today.

Thank goodness we have a major release here that doesn't resort to this value killing.

Also, let us celebrate not out of diminished expectations but out of the triumph of quality.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Regular Show game on 3DS looks pretty interesting!

I've been watching clips of this game over the past few days. Really liking the music and the gameplay looks unspectacular but moreish and no-nonsensical. Might be worth a play.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Gamestop doesn't suck today; NSMBU selling for 30 Euro

Wow that's like nearly half of its original price. It's part of some Halloween promotion thing they've got going as in 2 for 50 or something like that, but man! That's just too good to pass up!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Every DS game should have a sound test with the L and R buttons acting as "Prev" and "Next" in sleep mode

The title says it all really :)

Konami Acrade Classics had this and it was brilliant. Made me unplug from the iPod and into the DS on many commutes!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Game Grumps not doing Wind Waker HD properly, but what a hoot!

What is properly anyway? They're just exploring every inch of the island, finding cool stuff, hanging out and making us laugh lots!

The snotty nose kid and the pigs become highly developed comedy characters through their individual gameplay. It's quite beautiful!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Game Grumps doing Wind Waker HD

Always a moment of joy when they do a game you love!

The red text in the game looks absolutely dreadful and I wonder if they or any of the community will talk about it.