Monday, May 30, 2011

Retro Gamer Issue 90

BEAUTIFUL COVER! Not only does it have an awesome Zelda logo on it but it shimmers brightly as well. Pity I can't really show how it does. It really stood out on the magazine shelf and when I spotted it I felt like holding it over my head and singing "Da na na naaaaaa!". Pity about the ESRB style logo, they should've made it PEGI style instead!

As you'd expect, Zelda features in a big way what with the 25th anniversary and the Ocarina of Time coming out for 3DS. There's also a nicely informative piece about Four Swords Adventures. That's the feature I appreciate the most. People need to be informed of that game's greatness and how enjoyable it can be for even a single player!

Now for the other stuff besides Zelda.

There's a collector's guide about the Sega Saturn which seems nice. There's also an article which features games on the Apple Macintosh which I'm absolutely thrilled to see since I played those a lot as a kid.

Quite pleased with this issue so far!

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