Sunday, December 30, 2012

Coping with YouTube layout changes

Remember YouTube in 2005? No ads, video buffer continued to fill when you pressed pause.... those were the days. Over the past few weeks YouTube did something that threw me off completely.

They got rid of page numbers.

I watch lots of video game videos from YouTubers whom I very much enjoy. These people are often very prolific and have hundreds upon hundreds of videos which used to be easily found as long as you had the page number of the list they were on.

That's all gone out the window and is now replaced with a "Load more" button. All this does is load more of the list of videos on the same page. If I were to do that, going through hundreds of videos, my poor computer would slow to a crawl and lock up. Anyone's would.

Thankfully, and after much swearing I found they added a touch to their playlist feature, which is displayed to the right of the video when you play it. I can pinpoint the url of any video and keep a record of the last one I watched, which I usually do in chronological order. I turn autoplay off and press the previous button to watch the newer video in the sequence. That's how I'm coping and surviving with YouTube right now.

That's the way it'll be, at least until they go and fuck it up again with another update.

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