Friday, June 24, 2011

Kirby Right Back At Ya! episodes 1-4

The new Kirby TV Channel came out with 4 episodes and I watched them all so I'll give some commentary on them.

Episode 1

The one that'll be available for as long as the service will! Kirby crashes in Dream Land and most of the characters are established. Meta Knight has a funny voice, sounding like Puss N Boots from Shrek. I love King Dedede's voice; I generally love his character, which is a lot like Foghorn Leghorn. He's the antagonist but he's not a bad guy really - just jealous of the attention Kirby's getting. He's not like an evil king with his own empire of baddies, he's the King of the town of goodguys but since he's the antagonist of the show, there are some interesting conflicts happening that keep me glued to the screen.

The formula familiar with these kind of cartoons is established in this episode: a monster shows up that has been ordered by Dedede, Monster causes ruckus, Kirby struggles with it, Kirby gets a super ability transformation sequence, Kirby defeats monster, bad guys are like "Oh no my monster! I'll get you next time!"

This time it was a big octopus and the fire ability.

Episode 2

So Kirby's looking for a place to live in this new town that welcomes him but King Dedede keeps interfering by doing damage and making it look like it's Kirby's fault so everybody kicks him out - including Cook(or Chef) Kawasaki, a character I remember as a mini boss from Kirby's Fun Pak. It was nice spotting him in this and I loooove his voice. Come to think of it, I like Dedede's sidekick Escargoon's voice too; he sounds like Paul Lynde (Hooded Claw from Penelope Pitstop and Nervous Elk from Cactus Jack). I also like the appearance of the helpers from Kirby's Dreamland 2!

This time it was a big rock dressed like a sumo wrestler and the rock ability.

Episode 3

King Dedede orders Meta Knight to go challenge Kirby to a duel. This is a great chance for us to see how fascinating Meta Knight is. He fits the personality of the good guy that works for a bad guy so he has to be coy and mysterious and cool and badassy. He's all about 'honour' and other samurai type stuff, which makes his personality seem out of place in a universe where everything seems to be all about fluffs of puff. Anybody who's played as Meta Knight in Brawl or unlocked the Meta Knight mode in recent Kirby platformers already knows full well what he's like! It's an interesting contrast and that's what makes him so fascinating.

Anyway the monster this time is Bugzzy and it's the sword ability.

Episode 4

This time the monster is Kracko - one of the regular bosses from the Kirby games - and it's the sword ability again.

Kirby's running all over the place so Kracko's lightning won't hit him. Tiff goes to see Kabu and Meta Knight and here we learn about Meta Knight and Kirby's origins. We also get another bit added into the regular formula - the warpstar that flies from Kabu so Kirby can fly atop it. This helps him avoid the lightning.

I haven't mentioned Tiff and Tuff (nor Fololo and Falala) even though they're always on screen. Honestly they're only there at all to act as the good guys arguing with the bad guys and for plot exposition because Kirby's just like a baby that turns into a superhero. It's like they're there to replace bits of the protagonist that are missing. It's this kind of thing that makes video game adaptations so very strange and awkward that no one could really identify with it.

But it's ok, I've gotten used to them.

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