Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just completed Hotel Dusk - I recommend it!

I guess I should've saved yesterday's post for something to write about today!

Oh well, might as well say a few words about it. If you like reading then it's definitely worth checking out. The game's really easy too. I was never too stuck to figure out anything and the use of the DS was pretty neat as well, even though people don't really praise that aspect of the DS anymore since it's what we've come to expect now. I never got a chance to use a rumble pak with the game but I would've if I had one. Also, when I say the game's easy I mean it's mostly about watching the way the characters talk with each other and then you already know where to go so you just go there to have another scene where the characters talk... as is the nature of adventure games. If you're a fan of them then it really is a slice of heaven. That "cosy" feeling I get when I'm playing a really good adventure game is definitely present here and the fact that it isn't too difficult serves well in terms of the game's pacing. In fact there's only one instance where I used a guide and that was when I was looking for a penny. I don't believe for a second that a penny would be a nuisance to find and I didn't want a game making it so!

The tone of the game has a grown up, dignified feel while at the same time not being too stuffy and boring so most people who like reading would enjoy it I'd say.

Another cool thing about this game is that it contains its own novelisation which unlocks chapter by chapter as you play through the game with features like its own bookmark and everything. It's a nice bonus!

There are a couple of other really cool things about this game but they deserve their own post! Stay tuned!

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