Saturday, March 31, 2012

Honestly, Kid Icarus Uprising should be on Wii

I finally got a chance to try out this game today. The characters seem amicable enough but it's just when I was controlling the game. The shooting section I had to drag and scrawl the cursor around with the stylus and when I got to the ground I had to do flicks with the stylus to pan the camera around.

Let us do that with a Wii remote instead! This game just makes me want to play Sin and Punishment 2!

SEGA Game Gear titles are on the 3DS Virtual Console in Ireland now!

I nabbed the Sonic Triple Trouble title, which is a nice fun bouncy game so far. Also playing with the Emulator features which are quite decent. The screen is quite big and it fills the 3DS' top screen quite nicely. You have an option for blur which is good silly fun. Also, customisable controls. I'm liking it a lot so far. Try it out for yourself!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not only should Kid Icarus Uprising be on the Wii...

...but it was even developed using the Wii at first! Wow!

Every time I see something new about the game I think to myself that it should be on the Wii. This little tidbit of information only encourages me.

Now look, I don't mind if this is released on the 3DS but I want to see it done on Wii as well!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Irem's games really are going from Virtual Console in a few days

You may have heard that there are some games being discontinued on the Virtual Console including the R-Type games on PC Engine and SNES.

Well it's true. If you go to the Wii Shopping Channel's news page right now you'll see a list of all the titles that are going to be discontinued on March 31st.

I'm interested in the R-Type games alright and there are a couple of other decent looking ones like Tonma and Ninja Spirit but the rest in that list I wouldn't bother with.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dillon's Rolling Western and Kid Icarus Uprising both have heavy stylus usage

I found out about Dillon's Rolling Western and its heavy stylus usage from this video:

It's in French but you can see the person using the stylus constantly to rub the screen. I wish there was an option for buttons because I'm really interested in this game.

Everyone I've come across who speaks about Kid Icarus Uprising has a hint of pain and sadness in their voice when the subject of controls is brought up, even when they claim to be happy with using the stylus constantly.

It's another game I'm interested in too and I think it's a natural fit for the Wii. If only they'd put this game on it!

Monday, March 26, 2012

GAME on Patrick Street Cork is now closed & some memories

Well that's that. We all knew about the whole GAME chain being in trouble and not being able to stock games for a while now. The one sure fire way I knew they were going under was when they wouldn't stock Mario Party 9.

Then there was that spring sale they had where prices were greatly reduced — but not enough in my opinion — right up until this past weekend when I last visited. Right now all the shutters are down with sheets of paper taped up saying "THIS STORE IS NOW CLOSED". I wonder what's to become of the stock that was there?

I have some good memories of the place. It was the only store I remember that sold Chibi-Robo for the Gamecube back in 2006. The same year I remember asking for Final Fantasy IV Advance and the assistant thought I was talking about a PS1 game. Good thing I had it pre-ordered from them.

To go back even further to the mid '90s I remember looking at the games and the security guard would nearly look at them with you. I remember buying Pop n' Twinbee for the SNES there. I remember being amazed by the musical intro to a new N64 game called Banjo-Kazooie on the multiple TV screens they had there and my little brother glaring at me as if I was crazy. I remember one Christmas where a beaming smiling girl with a nose ring behind the counter told me I was the luckiest kid in Cork as she handed me my Donkey Kong 64 purchase.

I still feel really sorry for the guy working there who had to stand outside the shop last year or the year before trying to sell Xbox 360s to passing strangers. That must've been an early sign.

So what's the oldest game store in Cork now? Is it Smyths?

Dillons Rolling Western

I've been wondering about this game and if I'll get it but I want to know how intensive is the stylus usage in it? I really don't want to mark my screen too much!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Watching the Kid Icarus CG animation on Nintendo Video

Nintendo is doing a lot of big things to promote the game and this is one of the cooler things. I get a taste of the sense of humour that's going to be in the game from this cartoon — the joke about Palutena not having time to read blogs says it all really so it might be worth a good few chuckles :)

She looks lovely by the way. All the characters look like they're designed with a good solid sense of appeal and that's something I'll always applaud.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Poképark 2 is out today

I'm having another look at this and am thinking whether or not I'll buy these two games now that they're their own series. I do like adventure games but I haven't decided yet.

One thing I've noticed about the first game is that the price has never dropped on it. This happens with most Nintendo games but... is it very popular?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mario Party 9 losing and winning at Boo's Horror Castle, board game length

The first time I played this board it took over an hour and I got beaten by Bowser's minion. Losing was painful after playing for so long but when I took it on again it took roughly half an hour since I didn't need to pause and practice as much with the minigames.

I'm quite happy with the pacing in this game. It's a big improvement over previous installments of the series.

Still loving this game to bits! I'm having so much fun with it :D

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mario Party 9's bosses!

I love them! They're so much fun to play, especially the mid level bosses. I don't wanna go too much into them for spoilery reasons so I'll just link to a couple of music tracks kindly fan-uploaded to YouTube.

This plays during the first part of the fight. There's a hysterical comment to this vid that says "Why when this song plays it reminds me of two hobos fighting over a piece of cheese" by gangsat10. Dude, that is effin funny :)

Yikes! This part then plays when the boss gets angry and does some other stuff that makes things funner.

I love these two pieces of music.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just heard Europe's WiiWare demos are coming back

At the end of March they say. This'll be nice. I was meaning to check more of them out and this'll give me a chance. I might even buy some of the games too.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Opoona, the best RPG on Wii now costs 4.98 Euro in GameStop

It's also for a new copy of the game! Go get it! It's much better than Xenoblade or Last Story! It's also the most traditional Dragon Quest style of RPG the Wii's likely to get!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kid Icarus Uprising has alternative controls for stylus aiming

I have to say I'm not fond of using the stylus heavily. It makes me nervous about making big marks on the screen.

This bit of news makes me feel happy in that sense and the alternative is using the d-pad or the ABXY buttons or - but I'm not sure - the Circle Pad Pro.

This reminds me of the first Sin & Punishment for the Wii's Virtual Console and its control options, which took ages to get used to. This also reminds me of the immensely improved Wii sequel that used the Wii Remote's pointer which took not a moment to get! That's what this game should have!

But what's the closest it has to the Wii Remote's pointer? The stylus... so it's back at square one unless they decide to put it on Wii as well.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thinking about SEGA Game Gear coming to Virtual Console on 3DS

Now I've known for quite a long time that SEGA Game Gear games are coming to the 3DS' Virtual Console but now I'm just thinking about it, how I feel about it and if they're worth buying.

I think it's absolutely fantastic that those games are being made available on 3DS. It'll surely be a better experience playing those games now than it ever was on original hardware and they should sell quite well because of the improvements the 3DS brings.

I'll at the very least buy one to check out what the VC features are like... Some guys online are excited about the big silly Game Gear borders(optional) that make the screen look smaller so it'll be nice to find out for myself

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mario Party 9 is good!

I played this today and I must say I like it! I've only the first 2 Mario Party games to compare it to since those are the only other ones I've played. I like the fact that I don't have to play a mini-game after every round of turns. I really love the fact that the board has a beginning and an end rather than having to exhaust all my turns. I have to say this is progress!

It loads so incredibly fast too! I really really love that fact!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Metroid 1 updates today on 3DS VC

I haven't played this much. I've yet to complete the game or get very far in it actually. Of course if you're a 3DS ambassador like I am then you get a free update on this thing. I know for one thing it doesn't affect high scores so it might be fine for restore points in this game.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aura Aura Climber is great fun!

Got a bit more into this game today. It's nice to play with the basic climbing gameplay and on top of that, the power ups, level ups and bonus points for doing things. I really like it! There's an endless mode like Tetris Type-A and there's a stage by stage progression, each with it's own high score list.

So you can simply play it as a kick ass and challenging platformer from start to finish or play for chasing high scores. Try it out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New high-score in Super Mario Bros.

I don't remember the exact number because I reset but it's over 840000 anyway. It might actually be meaningless because of the Koopa Troopa 1-UP trick in world 3-1 so I guess there should be some rules enforced. I'd like to break a million points someday and I know it can be done.

Monday, March 12, 2012

GoNintendo's list of VC games to be removed at the end of the month

I honestly don't know for sure if this is true. It's Irem games that are in that list. Should I buy some of them before the end of March? Well, the PC Engine ones if anything and R-Type 3 looks like a really good game too though I don't want to buy 50Hz games. Among the PC Engine games, Ninja Spirit looks the most interesting.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Aura Aura Climber is nice

One DSiWare game I tried out recently is Aura Aura Climber. It's a nice little game and it's very very cheap at 2 Euro. It's from Nintendo as well so it has those things going for it.

You're this little star who has to grab onto these little pegs and ascend toward the heavens from whence you came. It's a nice time killing score chaser.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Castle of Magic seems like an interesting DSiWare platformer

I've never heard of this game before but I came across it while rooting through old J2ME games. It has a DSiWare release and it looks absolutely lovely from what I've seen so I might check it out.

Friday, March 9, 2012

GAME have a big "spring" sale going on

I'm hearing lots of stories about GAME being in big trouble and now they're having a sale. Hmmm...

In any case there are some big price cuts going on. Have a look for yourself.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Updating Super Mario Bros. on the 3DS VC

Today I updated my ambassador version of Super Mario Bros. into the Virtual Console version. It lets you choose the option of making and loading a restore point. Plus, the updating process keeps your high score intact. My current high score I didn't make that serious an attempt at, it's just 497,800.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This month's Retro Gamer comes with a free issue 1

This is quite nice! It's really cool to look through issue 1. I haven't read much and I need to do serious catch up with magazines again but one thing that jumped out at me so far is the mention of Super Tennis in the top SNES games.

Magazines in the 90s were absolutely crazy about Super Tennis (or at least the ones I read) but noone ever talks about it anymore. I haven't played it at all but it's a little puzzling why noone's going on about it anymore.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Xenoblade vs. Last Story, which is better?

For my American readers who are hugely excited about these games coming out I'd just like to say this brief thing. Before either of these games came out I could see that most people here were more interested in Last Story than Xenoblade but were interested in both.

Now it turns out that everybody prefers Xenoblade.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I suspect developers are trying to blind us

I've played a lot of games recently where the text is just so unbelievably small I can't read it. Now granted I have a 4:3 tv but that's no excuse! Skyward Sword, Xenoblade and Rayman Origins are near impossible to read without squinting or messing about with settings.

I say let's go back to Opoona (by far the best RPG on Wii) and its dialogue boxes. The text is ENORMOUS! It's great. Combined with the nice font it's nice big friendly writing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mario Party 9 loads lightning fast!

Wow have you seen video clips for the game? Barely have time to blink between screens it loads so fast!

It makes me feel so happy that we can have brand new games that load in the blink of an eye! If only they were all like this.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mario Party 9 is out today in Europe!

Well it's out today! Along with its previously reported minimal loading times hopefully. I like the way the Mario Party titles are all in good sequential order without any colons or subtitles. I hope it continues to be that way!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Twinbee High Score!

9,908,800 on stage 5, loop 3 or stage 3-5 as the game calls it. Had lots of fun doing it and quicksaved a couple of times.

I'd like to try for 10 million and beyond next!