Monday, September 30, 2013

Nintendo Direct on tomorrow at 3pm Irish time

This one isn't going to sneak up on me like the last one did! Make sure you watch it tomorrow at this time as well.

No doubt they'll have release dates and talk about the 2DS but maybe they'll talk about Wii U bundles and some new stuff too.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Game Grumps (I mean Steam Train) are playing VVVVVV

When I watch Arin and Ross stop at an obstacle in this game and ask "Wait... how am I gonna do this?", it carries a nostalgic feeling. The game is nostalgia inducing in itself to '80s computer platformers but it's also a throwback to the time we'd crowd around the computer and ask each other ideas about how to "get past this fecking level".

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yes Michael Pachter, I'm buying a Wii U

I've a deposit on one of the upcoming bundles.

...and no I haven't been whiny.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Shantae 1/2 genie hero transformation art

Some nice art here. There's also some voting going on for upcoming transformation stuff. The spider girl is cute even though I thought that was a different character. Shantae just looked like a normal spider in the first game.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Recent top 10 Metroidvanias by GameTrailers

Just watched this and I was surprised to see Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet there. From watching Game Grumps (Steam Train sorry) I was under the impression that it was some kind of co-op escort mission maze spaceship shooter. I never would have thought of it as a Metroidvania. Yet I see it being sold and marketed as so.

I'm not sure about Muramasa either. Whatever you'd call that game I just find it too boring to be in the top 10 anything.

From now on I think I should be very careful when someone uses the word Metroidvania to sell something to me.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shantae Half Genie Hero is funded, nice!

WayForward's Kickstarter was a success! Not that there was any doubt or anything. I mean, Shantae has a wonderful fanbase and we all want to see more games with her.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ugh... Wind Waker HD has backwards camera control... but you can change it

Ughh I hate the backwards left/right camera so much. Super Mario 64 set the standard! Why the fuck isn't this legacy standard the default anymore?

However, there's a camera option menu where you can set it back to the proper one. Of course this is labelled "Reverse".

Remember developers, if you're going to do a backwards ass camera, make sure you have the option to change! Otherwise I am not going to buy your game!

Monday, September 23, 2013

ALERT! Sonic Lost World bonus content is DLC only?

I just noticed something that sneaked past me in SEGA's marketing; it's the notion that the special edition of Sonic Lost World for Wii U may not have the bonus content on disc and available; it may be an exclusive download code.

I think I'll hold off on buying the game until I have the full story on this.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wondering about the traits of the dark Triforce in Link Between Worlds

The Triforce we know of comprises Power, Wisdom and Courage.

What about this dark Triforce that was mentioned in the Nintendo Direct?

Would it have antonymous traits? If so, courage would be fear, wisdom would be... ignorance maybe and power... dark power?

I dunno... it needs a bit more thought!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Yes, WayForward should get a gig developing a My Little Pony game

It isn't just a fantastic idea, it's the kind of gig they're pros at. They've had many years experience working on loads of licensed properties and they're one of the few developers who are able to make a quality video game out of an intellectual property. A job like this would suit them perfectly, like the best fitting pair of shoes you've ever worn.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hip Tanaka and webcomic tributes to Yamauchi

Here are a couple of nice tributes to Yamauchi:

Here's GoNintendo linking Hip Tanaka's tribute:

two remixes of tracks he worked on in the past, them being the ending themes for Super Mario Land and Metroid.

Then there's this powerfully amazing comic strip:

Egad.... I don't know how Matthew Taranto's gonna compete with that one!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Memories of Hiroshi Yamauchi

He died today.

With his passing, we're feeling sad and mournful but we're also reminiscing.

Back in the '90s, I only knew his name from the "Executive Producer" credit of Nintendo games I completed; then, when I started reading game magazines, journalists would often joke about how if you looked at his face too long you would turn to stone; then, there was his eventual retirement and hearing little else about the man except for appearing in lists of "richest people ever" (or whatever).

He's well documented in Nintendo's history so have a look if you want to learn more about his role as head of the company throughout the decades.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wii Sports Club will have online play

This whole business of licensing for home use is getting very complicated indeed; we have so many details and technicalities surrounding the trial of Wii Fit U and the different payment options for Wii Sports Club that they needed their own Nintendo Direct to explain them. It's a far cry from the first Wii Sports which all came in the box when you bought a Wii.

In any case, if you like online play, rejoice for this new feature in the next Wii Sports installment! There are many other features detailed too so check out the Nintendo Direct for these games which was broadcast today.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Two towns named Sealand in Animal Crossing New Leaf

This evening I went to the dream place to see if anyone uploaded a town they created called Sealand and there were two of them!

Neither town seemed to have much to do with the real-life Sealand but the mayor of one of them said "I will put Sealand on the map!".

Just took a notion to have a look because I think the real-life Principality of Sealand is pretty cool!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Radical Rex looks like an '80s-'90s Hanna-Barbera character

Just watching Game Grumps play [the real cool] Radical Rex. He really does look like something from the Flintstones Kids or something! I was expecting Tom & Jerry Kids in caveman garb to pop out at any second! He even has a skateboard! All he's missing is a pair of sunglasses.

As a kid, I didn't have a game console when the game came out but I wonder if I would've fallen for it based purely on how the character looked?


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shantae and Monster World similarities are coincidental (but co-exist peacefully of course!)

From that interview I linked to yesterday I found that what I previously thought was clearly an influence on Shantae was purely coincidental!

Matt mentions Monster World 4, which also stars a cool girl character. I thought it was Monster World 2 (Dragon's Trap/Dragon's Curse etc) that influenced Shantae! My reasoning of course is the animal transformations, which is a theme that's common to both.

It turns out though that no game in the Monster World series were so much an influence on Shantae as the likes of Castlevania were! Purely coincidental that they had similar themes and spookily so!

Again, go watch the interview! It's really interesting!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Really interesting interview with Matt Bozon by Jonathan Holmes

I think Jonathan Holmes is sound out! I don't browse his work regularly but when something of his catches my interest, I tend to enjoy it very much.

Matt Bozon then, the guy at WayForward who created Shantae, is someone who's really fascinating. This interview is a good lengthy one that talks about not only the creation of Shantae but the way the company has been really sensible and prolific throughout the years. Definitely worth a watch.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wii continues to live with more budget re-releases!

Why the heck not! There are some more Nintendo Selects releases on the way. We have:

Super Smash Bros Brawl
PokéPark Wii Pikachu's Adventure
Mario Kart Wii
Donkey Kong Country Returns

We also have a Mario Kart Wii Mini bundle on the way.

I just gotta say I love when this kind of thing happens!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Finally caught up with Game Grumps

Whew... that was a whole lotta watching. I even had to click on the "load more" button there were so many.

A lotta watchin' but a lotta laughin'! They're still goin' strong :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Game Grump omnibus nearly over.... 6 or so more episodes to go... whew

This super long marathon is going on forever... I lost count of how many videos of these guys I've been watching in my catching up but it's still good fun all the same.

Egad, games like Chuck Rock were terrible.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Catching up with Game Grumps: Suzy and Barry

Finally catching up! It's kind of cool having these two join the fun now and again. It's quite strange though when I see Mario Party 4 under Steam Rolled, since it's not on Steam.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ever wish Shantae was on a console using console power?

It seems Shantae Half-Genie Hero was made for you if your answer is "Yes!" to this question!

Gotta say, the Kickstarter trailer looks very pretty. The only disappointing thing was that the page mentions Metroid and Zelda influences but nothing about Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap (or Dragon's Curse).

That may not matter when talking about new audiences... New audiences might like being sold on the song from the trailer, or the genuinely cool protagonist or just how darn gorgeous the game looks.

Saturday, September 7, 2013's brilliant job of covering DuckTales Remastered

This kind of thing is perfect for ScrewAttack to do! They have a couple of great videos about this game; one of them is "5 ducking great things..." and of course the review, which is what fans of the original definitely should watch and is probably one of the few that doesn't complain about the price.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Shantae: Pirates Curse looks like chapter 2

Remember waiting for Risky's Revenge? It was supposed to be chapter based and this looks very much like it and possibly chapter 2 of it.

If that is the case in some respect like design or plot or something then I'm very happy to see it alive!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another Shantae sequel; a fourth game in the series

The series is getting prolific! Strangely enough it'll be on other formats as well as Nintendo ones. This one will be done in the DuckTales Remastered engine. It is looking lovely!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pokémon Direct: Bill's PC becomes Bill's Cloud with Pokémon Bank

Just watched today's special Pokémon Direct. Interesting to see there is a cloud solution for storing extra Pokémon!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Senran Kagura Burst: "A little bustier than usual"

I hear this is getting a physical release in Europe. I'm looking forward to it.

A lady at the American publisher for this game said this quote of the characters. She also said it was a complete story.

The prospect of being absorbed in a cosy universe(like in a visual novel) where it's "a little bustier than usual" is something that really appeals to me! I'm often disappointed by in-game worlds that don't deliver on this front, so this is something that's genuinely interesting.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Racist Bassist is a genius creation

Game Grumps came up with this character along with the bummed out drummer. The former would say something racist and then just start playing bass.

I love it! It's risqué, the racist part isn't the point and the only people who would be offended by this would be incredibly stupid people *be-doom-boom-boom-boom*

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September! Time to go fishing for salmon in New Leaf!

According to the wiki I'm using, salmon and king salmon only appear in September. Interesting kind of rarity and they don't sell for that much. In any case, get fishing!