Saturday, December 3, 2011

Monopoly Collection is abominable, bring on Fortune/Boom Street

I just thought I'd try out the Monopoly Collection since I just learned how to play it lately. I should've known something awful was going to happen when I saw that it was published by EA, who of course have dumped this rubbish across loads of different formats.

There are several unskippable animated logos that you have to sit through when you boot up the game. I absolutely hate that. Then when you're finally able to get to choose between the games on the collection you pick one and you have to sit through the exact same unskippable animated logos again. That is just inhumane.

There are loading times and cgi cutscenes that stutter and choke like as if they're from the PS1 era. Why the fuck would you have something like this on a board game? Who cares about them? Not the player I can tell you that much.

On top of that the menu text is next to unreadably small and there are animations during gameplay that would make the game drag on for hours more than it should and there's no way to turn them off.

Bring on Fortune/Boom Street!

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